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Conference Green cities - cities of future (11/2009)
It was honour to take part and to be one of the parters of conference ...
Survey for reconstruction of football playground in Karviná (10-11/2009)
For projected purpose of football playground reconstruction MFK Karvina ...
Football playground of MFK with planned reconstruction
Expertise and project of infiltrations system (11/2009)
For rebuilding of recreation object in Moravka we implement hydrogeological expertise and ...
Locality under Beskydy Mountains in Moravka
Hydrogeological expetise of locality in Stara Bela (10/2009)
For projected building of family house in Stara Bela near of Ostrava we implement ...
Stará Běla Locality
Workshop "Infiltration of atmosferic and waste water in the soil layers"
In September 2009 we implemented workshop in current hydrogeological topic ...
Workshop "Infiltration of atmosferic and sevage water ..."
Supplementary hydrogeological survey and risk assessment in Muglinov (7-8/2009)
For building of new busines and service centre of company ...
Implementation of borehole HV-1 in south part of lokality
Geological survey for complex of family houses in Třinec (6-8/2009)
In Třinec, city part Nebory, we implement completelly ...
Parcel designed for building of family houses
Hydrogeological survey for atmosferical water infiltration in Orlová (6/2009)
For designed family house in Orlová we implement ...
Hydrogeological survey in Orlová
Expertize of downstreems conditions in locality Havířov (6-7/2009)
For Municipality Havířov we implement expretrise for ...
Gravity field of atmosferical water
Geological expertise and radon index determination of parcel in Dobroslavice (6/2009)
In Dobroslavice we implemnet geological experise and ...
Locality in Dobroslavice and its top soil log
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