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From beginning to the end of year 2009 we implemmented 65 orders in fields of hydrogeology, civic engineering, risk assessments for human health and for ecosystems, geotechnic, projection of small building (house wells and sevage works), ecological services and related activities.
From beginning to the end of year 2010 we implemented 102 new orders in ammount of 8 mil. Kc extra WAT. Some of the long term orders will be continue in 2011 and 2012. In December of 2011 we started or completelly implemented 100 new orders. It's successfull Year again ...
Now we implement for our clients actuall:
Průzkum pro vsakování vod v Orlové (5/2013)
Pro připravovanou rekonstrukci ...
Orlova Lazy
Projection of gravitative sewerage for citizens of Orlova City
Actual offer for citizens of Orlová City ... for registration by October 2011
Průzkum levostranného břehu Ostravice (4-5/2013)
Pro rekonstrukci hráze v úseku km 15.4 až 16.7 jsme ...
Geologický průzkum na řece Olši (4-5/2013)
V Karviné-Darkově jsme aktuálně dokončili průzkum pro rekonstrukci jezu ...
Survey at the Olše River
Survey in Cooking plant Svoboda in Ostrava (4-5/2013)
In area of Cooking plant Svoboda we finished recently ...
Cooking Plant Svoboda in Ostrava
Soil investigation in Polouvsí (4/2013)
We finished survey in area of Jipex company ...
Area of Jipex
Small expertises in field of hydrogeology (3-5/2013)
In springs mounths grow up interesset for expertises ...
0strava - Centrální odval Zárubek
Geologic investigation in ArcelorMittal company in Ostrava
Recently we implemented geologic survey of scrap yard in ArcelorMittal company
Investigation of geological conditions for Project "Galerie Prostějov"
We finished hydrogeolocial survey in March ...
Technical support by building of communication R5506 Napajedla – Babice
For Road and Motorway Directorate of the Czech Republic we implement ...
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