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From beginning to the end of year 2009 we implemmented 65 orders in fields of hydrogeology, civic engineering, risk assessments for human health and for ecosystems, geotechnic, projection of small building (house wells and sevage works), ecological services and related activities.
From beginning to the end of year 2010 we implemented 102 new orders in ammount of 8 mil. Kc extra WAT. Some of the long term orders will be continue in 2011 and 2012. In December of 2011 we started or completelly implemented 100 new orders. It's successfull Year again ...
Now we implement for our clients actuall:
Surwey works in Strategic industry area Holešov (1-3/2011)
In strategic industry area Holesov we prepare ...
Strategic industry area Holesov
Expertise of hydrogeological rulles in Háj ve Slezsku (1/2011)
For II. fase of sewage net entlargement ...
Terrain documentation of sewage path
Verification of correspondence beween recultivation of TKO Řevnice and project documentation (12/2010)
For Czech inspection of environment, local inspectorat Praha, we implement ...
Recultivated dump of TKO Řevnice
Water treatment of shalow resarce in Bila Site (Beskydy region, 12/2010)
For projected start of Penzion Hajenka in Beskydy ...
Hájenka na Bílé
Survey in Oldrichovice (11/2010)
We finished the survey works in Oldrichovice ...
Oldrichovice site
Hydrogeological survey in Darkovicky (12/2010)
For expertise of atmosferic and waste water infiltartion in glacial sediments we organise ...
Locality of Darkovicky
Survey for new wtaer resorce in Žabeň (11-12/2010)
For new water resource in locality Zaben we implement ...
Hydrogeological survey for new well in Zaben
Workshop "Infiltration of atmospheric and waste water into soils II (11.11.2010)
Sorry ... in Czech only. V návaznosti na semináře z cyklu aktuálních otázek v oblasti hydrogeologie ...
Survey for foundation of new building in Since Technological Park in Ostrava (10-11/2010)
For Ostrava City we implement geological survey ...
Area of Sience Technological Park in Ostrava
Comunication I/42 VMO Brno - hydrogeologic monitoring (8-10/2010)
We finished actual the hydrogeologic monitoring ...
Pasporting of water works objects for projected building of new comunication
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