GEOoffice - geologie, geochemie, geotechnika ...

HYDROGEOLOGY ENGENEERING GEOLOGY CONTAMINATE GEOLOGY GEOCHEMISTRY GEOTECHNICS consulting projects recheches surveys expertises supervision implementation


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From beginning to the end of year 2009 we implemmented 65 orders in fields of hydrogeology, civic engineering, risk assessments for human health and for ecosystems, geotechnic, projection of small building (house wells and sevage works), ecological services and related activities.


From beginning to the end of year 2010 we implemented 102 new orders in ammount of 8 mil. Kc extra WAT. Some of the long term orders will be continue in 2011 and 2012. In December of 2011 we started or completelly implemented 100 new orders. It's successfull Year again ...


Now we implement for our clients actuall:

Geotechnical expertise of flood control project

We implement for project of dikes in Krnov the geotechnical ...

Current dike in Krnov




Geotechnical supervision of shaft Jindrich stabilisation

We implement for companies Wardell&Armstrong and Gardiner&Theobald geotechnical ...

Shaft Jindrich




Geological survey for Penny Market in Kravaře

For projected building of supermarket in Kravaře we implement geological survey ...

Locality in Kravare, Penny Market




Hydrogeological expertise of HEI Park in Tošovice

For Sport areal HEI Park Tošovice near Odry we implement ...

Sport areal HEI Park




Hydrogeological survey in area of Power plant Tušimice

In the end of 2008 we started preparation of hydrogeological survey ...

Object of Energogyps dewatering




Hydrogeological expertise of locality in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm

We implement hydrogeological expertise in Dolní Paseky near of Rožnov ...

Locality Rožnov - Dolní Paseky




Preparation of water resource documentation in Pusta Polom

For projected water resource in Pustá Polom we implement ...




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