GEOoffice - geologie, geochemie, geotechnika ...

HYDROGEOLOGY ENGENEERING GEOLOGY CONTAMINATE GEOLOGY GEOCHEMISTRY GEOTECHNICS consulting projects recheches surveys expertises supervision implementation


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From beginning to the end of year 2009 we implemmented 65 orders in fields of hydrogeology, civic engineering, risk assessments for human health and for ecosystems, geotechnic, projection of small building (house wells and sevage works), ecological services and related activities.


From beginning to the end of year 2010 we implemented 102 new orders in ammount of 8 mil. Kc extra WAT. Some of the long term orders will be continue in 2011 and 2012. In December of 2011 we started or completelly implemented 100 new orders. It's successfull Year again ...


Now we implement for our clients actuall:

Survey and proposal of land dewatering in Luhačovice (6-8/2011)

In health resort of Wellnes & Spa hotel Augustinian House in Luhačovice ...

Wellnes & Spa hotel Augustinian House




Survey for fundation of two familly houses in Bohumín (6/2011)

For foundation of two houses in local part Záblatí ...

Záblatí, local part of Bohumín




Pasporting of waste pipe in Ostrava Hrušov (6-7/2011)

For industry area of former chemical factory in Hrušov we implment actually ...

Pasporting of waste pipe and reconnaissance in Hrušov




Additionaly survey in HUISMAN company (5/2011)

In HUISMAN company near Sviadnov we finished currently geological survey ...

Area of Huisman company in Sviadnov




Survey of coke-oven plant in area ArcelorMittal (5/2011)

In area of coke-oven plant in ArcelorMittal company we finished geological ...




Odry - area Semperflex - hydrogeological service (9/2010-4/2011)

For company Semperflex Optimit we prepare actual ...










Soil survey in Krmelin




Survey for building foundation in Bezruč square in Opava City (2/2011)

We implement geotechnical survey for foundation of additional building ...

Bezruč square in Opava




Additional survey of Hisman Area in Sviadnov (1-2/2011)

In area of Hisman Company in Sviadnov we implement ...

Area of Huisman company in Sviadnov




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